String vs. D-Rings - How Should I Hang my Frame?


As part of our Tips and Tricks helper pages, we have 2 separate step by step processes when it comes to hanging. One outlines the steps for hanging using the provided string, and one if you want to hang the work straight on the d-rings.

We're so used to knowing the differences that it took us a second to register that we should probably explain when you would use each method!

Each have pros and cons, so let us explain what they are. 

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Hanging with string


This is undoubtedly the easier hanging method, and the one we primarily use ourselves. 



Hanging is significantly more simple as your hook placement needs to be close but not perfect

You can hang most frames with just one person



String does stretch over time with the weight of the frame pulling it down. This is perfectly fine if the print is on the wall and doesn't have to line up with anything, but if you have a gallery wall or the work is perfectly aligned above a mantle for example, you may find it shifting out of position to ne bothersome

The frames often don't stay perfectly straight on the wall either. Using two hooks rather than one, as outlined in the help article for this method, reduces this issue significantly, but not completely.


Situations for Use

Most, if not all frames will be perfectly fine on string, but if you are in a scenario like the ones outlined in the cons above, you may want to consider the below option if movement will bother you. We personally have created gallery walls with string and without. Some kinds of gallery wall don't require perfect precision, so it depends on what you think you need for the outcome you are trying to achieve, 

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Hanging on the d-rings


This is significantly harder to execute perfectly, as your hook and d-ring placement need to be perfectly straight and aligned,



Both issues in the con's section for string are solved - once on the wall on the d-rings, the frame is not moving. It will stay perfectly in said position.



Lining up the hooks and d-rings perfectly, making them straight on the wall and positioning them perfectly in the space are all things that are a more difficult than the method of hanging with string. Because positioning has to be perfect rather than approximate, it makes the measuring process one of great importance. 


Situations for Use

Larger frames can benefit from being hung on the d-rings to prevent them shifting on the wall

Also, any time where either sinking on the wall or shifting will be a detriment to the look of its placement



Our final recommendation:

Only bother with attempting to hang on the d-rings if you really feel you need to. Most of what we hang on the wall we do on the string as it is a far simpler, more forgiving and less frustrating process, but there will be situations, as outlined above, where d-rings may benefit to overall look.



Still want some advice as to what you should do?

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