Hanging on String


Every frame we ship out will come with a hanging kit to ensure you have everything you need to get your work on the wall. 


We will send you:

  • D-rings and screws, the size of which will vary per frame.

  • Framers string trimmed to fit each frame both portrait and landscape.

  • 2x 9kg brass hooks designed for GIB walls.

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Step One: Measure, Measure, Measure!

Measure the space between the string and the top of the frame. 

Pull the string taut by replicating your hook placement for a more accurate measurement. If using two hooks, hook both thumbs under to feel where placement will sit best. Using one hook? Place in the centre. 

See step two for guidance regarding number of hooks. 



Step Two: One Hook or Two?

In most cases, we recommend 2 hooks to help keep the frames from tilting on the wall. The bigger the frame, the more it tends to move around on a single hook.

Smaller frames are okay with just 1, A2 or larger should have 2 from a safety perspective. 

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Step Three: Choose your placement

Hold your frame up to the wall and adjust until you are happy.​

Make a tiny mark with a pencil behind the top two corners and put the frame to the side (or even mark your place with a post it!) 



Step Four: Establishing hook placement

Take your measurement from step one - this will tell you how far down from your top markers the hooks need to be.

Measure down from the centre of your top line and mark again to ensure you don't lose your place while you grab your hooks.



Step Five: Nail in your hooks

Use the position to either place your hook in the centre or use as centre point to place 2 hooks evenly apart.​

If you put two thumbs under the string (as demonstrated in step one) then you will be able to feel where the hooks will sit most comfortably. Do not put them right next to each other - a rough guide is 25% of the frame width in on each side.​

NOTE: Place the bottom of the hook on your mark rather rather than the nail, otherwise it will be a lot lower than you want it to be!



Step Six: Hang up the frame

Holding the bottom of the frame in one hand, reach behind with the other to thread the string over the hook/hooks.

Ensure that the string is sitting firmly in the hook before letting go!


Still curious? Check out these related articles!

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Hang your Frame on the D-Rings

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String vs. D-Rings - How Should I Hang My Frame?

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How to Attach the Hanging Hardware